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Links to popular distribution download pages. Below you'll find links that lead directly to the download page of 25 popular Linux distributions. Download Full Installation Media . The Edubuntu development team recommends the use of the Long Term Support release (currrently 14.04.2). The latest Long Term Support release is Edubuntu 14.04.2 LTS and can be found here: Welcome to Edubuntu 14.04 LTS! The Edubuntu development team announces today the release of Edubuntu 14.04 LTS. As the second Long Term Support release of the Edubuntu, this version will be supported for 5 years, until April 2019. SAI.ver2安装方法视频(带色卡、笔刷、材质) [09-04] 深化校企合作 推动教学改革——2017美斯坦福校企合作人才培养论坛圆满召开 [09-06] 绽放自我 华丽升级 载誉前行——美斯坦福第2期互联网+教育020在线直播讲师培训圆满落幕 [09-09] 湖北大学知行学院与美斯坦福校企合作专家研讨会

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