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Directed by Kevin Macdonald and based on the NY Times best-selling memoir “Guantánamo Diary” by Mohamedou Ould Slahi, this is the inspiring true story of Slahi’s fight for freedom after being detained and imprisoned without charge by the U.S. Government for years. TSD M-Power eNews PowerBuilder Tips 2 PB9 PB11 PB Tips Web Service PB9 EAServer 5 web service PB9 release .NET PB PB11 web service EAServer 5 web service PB NVO web service 9 PB11 web service PB11 web service Tips PB11 PB11 web service web service web service JSP client ASP.NET client web service PowerBuilder 11.0 IIS 5(Micro Internet Information Services) IIS AP server host=localhost IP … mPower是苹果医疗平台 RearchKit 的5款APP中的帕金森应用