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More like a Bible search engine, this feature allows you to search bible verses in the fastest way possible and in the Bible section of your choice. If you are a serious student, BibleTool’s interlinear Bible also makes it very easy to dig deep into the Word of God by studying the Bible interlinear and the original Greek/Hebrew with Strong’s concordance. Bible > Interlinear Bible > Matthew 1 Matthew 1 Interlinear Bible. The Genealogy of Jesus (Ruth ; Luke ) 1 1 Biblos 1 Βίβλος 1 [The] book 1 N-NFS: geneseōs. Oct 05, · Entire four-volume set in one-volume The only complete interlinear Bible available in English--and it's keyed to "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance" Thousands of pastors, Chinese English Bible Interlinear. Chinese Bible. Chinese Bible in GB. English Bible. 1.NIV (New International Version) 2.ASV (American Standard Version) 3.JND (J.N.Darby Version) 4.KJV (King James Version) 5.NWB (Noah Webster Bible) 6.RSV (Revised Standard Version) bible.org: 主要是达拉斯神学院背景的圣经老师的查经资源. 圣经综合解读:中文原作,圣经背景. 中国牧者:重要是从英文翻译成中文的好资源. Bible Arc :只支持英文,查经工具,重点是在圣经的分段、上下文、连接词、文字的结构来认识神的话 Hebrew/Greek Interlinear Bible. HagiosTech.com. This HGI Bible has a lexicon, concordance (word search), Strongs and morphology. Babel Flashcards: Biblical Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic. Miklal Software Solutions. Flashcard app with high-quality decks for biblical languages. Interlinear Greek Bible. What is an Interlinear/Reverse Interlinear Bible? An Interlinear is an original language Bible with additional information in the form of a grid under the manuscript words e.g lemma, Strong’s number, morphological tagging. A Reverse Interlinear (RI) bible has original language information aligned with translated text i.e. a reverse interlinear component is added to translations like ESV

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NLT Interlinear - Tyndall English Readers. Discover the language behind the New Living Translation as you enjoy the clear, precise, and beautiful NLT text. Students of NT Greek. Explore the vocabulary and grammar of the Greek NT and see what the Greek words and phrases mean when translated into contemporary English. Greek NT Readers A topical Bible which shows the most relevant Bible verse for each topic