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Floral Shoppe by Macintosh Plus, released 09 December 2011 1. ブート2. リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー3. 花の専門店4. ライブラリ5. 地理6. ECCOと Vektroid later launched a line of tank tops and hoodies sporting a variation of the Floral Shoppe album cover. On August 6, 2017, New York-based record label Each Sunday, Pitchfork takes an in-depth look at a significant album from the past, and any record not in our archives is eligible. Today, we 98 votes, 12 comments. I grabbed the 2017 FLAC, converted to ALAC with , and loaded onto my iPhone. Perhaps this post is pointless, but In August of 2017 it was announced that New York-based record label Olde English Spelling Bee would press the album onto vinyl. It follows the cassette version It was one of the first releases of the vaporwave microgenre to gain popular recognition on the Internet. Genre: Vaporwave. Picking this record up and holding it
Floral Shoppe - Wikipedia
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