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The LibriVox Audio Books application was developed by BookDesign for Android and iOS users. The LibriVox Audio Books app makes it easy to search the LibriVox catalog of free audio books. You can browse by title, author or genre, look at new books, or search for specific key words. Free Audio Books! Books Should be Free. Best Online Audiobook Downloads for Android, iPhone & mp3. Listen to Audible & Talking Books on Tape. eBooks in English, French, … librivox有一些精选的经典英文essay合集,短小精悍的gems,出自西方近代的思想家、哲学家和科学家,真正堪称经典。而这是我在audible.com没能搜到的资源。 尽管有人批评librivox是志愿者录制,语音质量良莠不齐,但我觉得已经很满意了。 1回应 LibriVox Audio Books. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (version 2) Read by Ruth Golding Sir Arthur Conan Doyle A collection of twelve short stories featuring Conan Doyle's legendary detective, originally published as single stories in Strand Magazine … The Power of Concentration Read LibriVox的是一组谁读,并记录公共领域文本从他们的网站和互联网上的其他数字图书馆主办的网站下载免费的创造公共领域的有声读物世界各地的志愿者。 注意:由于版权限制的,LibriVox的产生的当代书籍只有有限数量的记录。该LibriVox的目录是多种多样的。 LibriVox Audiobooks gives you Youtubes best library of complete audio books of works that has entered the public domain. LibriVoxs objective is : "To make all books in the public domain available
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LibriVox.org是另一项旨在发布公共领域有声读物的志愿者计划。志愿者阅读书籍章节,然后LibriVox将该音频发布回公共领域,供任何人下载。 这两项服务协同工作,Project Gutenberg提供的大多数有声读物均来自LibriVox网站。 您可以在您的 iPad、iPhone 或 iPod touch 上通过 App Store 浏览和下载“图书”类 App。App Store 为您的 iOS 设备提供丰富多样的“图书”类 App。 有声读物应用程序使您可以在iPhone / iPad和Android设备上轻松收听有声读物。 本文列出了一些适用于iPhone / iPad和Android的最佳免费有声读物应用程序。
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LibriVox is a group of worldwide volunteers who read and record public domain texts creating free public domain audiobooks for download from their website and other digital library hosting sites on the internet. It was founded in 2005 by Hugh McGuire to provide "Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain" and the LibriVox objective is "To make all books in the public domain available Librivox recording of Walden by Henry David Thoreau Read by Gord Mackenzie. Walden by Henry David Thoreau is one of the best-known non-fiction books written by an American. Published in 1854, it details Thoreau’s life for two years, two months, and two days around the shores of Walden Pond. 26/9/2013 · The thousands of volunteer readers who bring over 100 new books a month originally in Project Gutenberg, and other public domain sources (including, of course, the Internet Archive) to the listening public.. With over 7,000 audio books, LibriVox is one of the largest publishers of audiobooks in the world, and certainly the largest publisher of free public domain audiobooks. 5/12/2006 · LibriVox is a project that describes its mission to be the “acoustical liberation of books in the public domain.” It is a digital library of free public domain audio books that are read and recorded by volunteers. It was started just a year and a half ago, in August 2005, and already has amassed over 150 recordings. Los últimos tweets de @librivox libravox - where to get free books!
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